Constant fake news and prevailing negative custom have challenged the bottom line of news and occupational ethics as well as public tolerance constantly. 虚假新闻不断,不良风气蔓延,时刻挑战着新闻的底线,挑战着职业道德的底线,也挑战着受众容忍度的底线。
Now has known, contracts Negative line ( Spot) to in, its action is the gravitation, Function Spot center of in the river; 现在已知道的是,向内收缩的阴线(点),其作用力是万有引力,作用点在河之中心;
One kind of automatic loading manipulator used on the negative plate automatic production line is introduced in this paper. 该机械手已用于阴极板自动生产线种板的自动供给。
The Effect of Demethylation by Hydralazine on Estrogen Receptor α Negative Human Breast Cancer Cell Line MDA-MB-231 肼苯哒嗪对人乳腺癌细胞株MDA-MB-231雌激素受体α去甲基化的影响
The river chart also attempted to describe this kind of condition, diverged to outside, was Masculine line ( Spot); Also has to contract to in, possibly is Negative line ( Spot). 河图也试图描述了这种状态,向外发散的,是阳线(点);还有个向内收缩的,可能是阴线(点)。
Euphoria and self-sabotage are two powerful psychological forces that will have an extremely negative effect on your bottom line. 过度兴奋和自毁是两种有力的心理力量,对你有极大的消极影响。
The piecewise corrected current generator also forms negative feedback to improve the line regulation and power supply rejection ( PSR). 该分段线性电流产生电路还形成了一个负反馈,以改善带隙基准源的电源抑制和线性调整率。
Effect of Estrogen on Growth of Estrogen Receptor Negative Endometrial Adenocarcinoma Cell Line JEC in vitro 雌激素对ER阴性的子宫内膜腺癌细胞JEC增殖的作用
While it is a divisive time in politics, analysts do not anticipate the move will have any negative impact on the company's bottom line. 因目前正处政治分裂之际,分析师预料舒兹所为,将不会对公司的盈亏底限,造成任何负面的影响。
From mixed solvents of carbon tetrachloride-benzene, the adsorption of benzoic acid varied monotonically with the composition of mixed solvents, and a negative deviation from straight line is observed. 固定苯甲酸的平衡浓度,以苯甲酸的吸附量与溶剂成分作图,对四氯化碳-苯体系所得曲线与直线呈负偏差,但无最低点;
The negative plastic hinge line in the plate was evaluated by using variational approach, then an equation for calculating the ultimate load carrying capacity was developed. 首先利用变分原理确定板的负塑性铰线方程,继而推导出极限承载力的表达式。
Theoretical Solution of Single Pile's Negative Friction by Double Broken Line Model 单桩负摩阻力的双折线模型理论解
Methods The ER negative breast cancer cell line MDA MB 231 was transfected with the ER gene by stable transfection. 方法雌激素受体阴性的乳腺癌细胞株MDA-MB-231细胞,采用分子生物学质粒转染技术,将ER阴性的乳腺癌细胞MDA-MD-231转染成ER阳性细胞。
We use a rectangular waveguide system to measure the X_band transmission in 2D negative permeability materials with different dot and line defects. 采用波导法测量了点缺陷和线缺陷对二维负磁导率材料X波段(8&12GHz)微波透射行为的影响。
A Mathematical Model for Mechanic and Hydraulic Servo-mechanism with Negative Lap spool and Orifice in Return Line 具有回油节流、正开口滑阀的机液伺服机构的数学模型
Independently designed the organization, which use the direct current machine to make gear reduction, and with the screw rod and the nut organization, the electrical machinery the positive and negative circumvolved motion changes into the straight line translational motion of the control accelerator tension bar. 自行设计了利用直流电机带动齿轮减速机构并通过螺杆与螺母机构把电机的正负旋转运动转化为控制油门拉杆的直线位移运动的执行机构。
Bandgap width of a 1-D negative refractive index transmission line structure 一维传输线结构负折射材料的带隙深度计算
In this paper, a new method which is effective on linearizing a complicated automatic control system is used to establish a mathematical model for mechanic and hydraulic servo-mechanism with negative lap spool and orifice in return line. 本文采用了一种对复杂的自动控制系统线性化行之有效的新方法,建立了具有回流节油、正开口滑阀的机液伺服机构的数学模型。
The third stages are the line, the negative exponential and line function of the GDD. 水稻颖花分化分为三个阶段,分别可用积温的直线函数、负指数函数和直线进行函数模拟。
Discussion on the positive and negative sign for influence line 对影响线正负号问题的探讨
The distinguishing features of the paper are selection of oblique strip and loading transmission, negative yielding line in irregular slab with simple supports, point support and shear split of slab. 本文的主要特点为有料向板条的选取及荷载传递、简支不规则板的负弯矩裂缝线以及点支承板条和板的剪切劈裂问题。
The earthquakes occurred in vicinity of the negative area or the zero line. 地震都发生在剩余异常的负值区或零值线附近。
A New Algorithm for Resolving Negative Value Problem in HV Transmission Line Fault Location 高压输电线路故障测距的负距问题及修正方法
The simulation results shows that it decreases the negative influence made by wave velocity, line length and faults grounding resistance factors, and also improves the accuracy of faults locations. 仿真结果表明此算法减小了传统方法受波速、线路长度、故障接地电阻因素的影响,提高了故障测距的精度。
Linearization processing is somehow to turn black and white isopic axis into a line where the positive axis indicated by a solid line while the negative axis shown by a dotted line. 线性化处理就是将黑白同相轴变成线,正性轴用实线表示,负性轴用虚线表示。
A graphical chart for rapid finding the positive and negative sequence components from the observed line voltage and current values of an unbalanced threephase threeline system is presented. 文中给出了便于由三相三线制不对称系统中线电压、线电流的实测值查取其正、负序分量的曲线图表。
There are, however, limitations, relatively complex breeding procedure, negative effect of cytoplasm from sterile line and potential risks of single cytoplasm, in traditional three-line breeding. 但是传统的三系杂交育种存在局限:育种程序和生产环节较复杂,有来自不育系的细胞质负效应和细胞质单一的潜在威胁(袁隆平,1987)。
Wheat price elasticity of demand values are negative, in line with economic theory. 小麦自身需求价格弹性值均为负值,符合经济理论。
The third one is based on negative selection algorithm, which takes high-frequency transient energy of transient current signals as the feature values, and uses improved negative selection algorithm as the transmission line fault classifier. 其三是基于阴性选择算法的故障分类方法,该方法以暂态电流信号的高频暂态能量作为故障分类的特征量,并依据改进的阴性选择算法设计故障分类的分类机制。
The fourth part of medical tourism are analyzed, the main destination for medical tourism and tourists to the positive and negative impacts on the line analysis. 第四部分对医疗旅游的影响进行了分析,主要对医疗旅游对旅游目的地和客源地的积极和消极影响就行了分析。